About Me

Hey, I'm Greg. I am a fourth-year student at the University of Illinois in Urbana studying Computer Engineering. I enjoy problem solving and building things using computers and technology. I'm interested in many aspects of this field, anything from websites to hardware and everything in between. At the end of the day, my goal is to contrubute to advances in technology; maybe I'll make the next killer smart-fridge app.

When I'm not working on any projects, I like to travel, watch my favorite shows, and spend time with my friends. I also enjoy fixing up and modifying cars.

Here are some of the technologies I've been working with recently:



Linux kernel Operating System

FPGA Music Player

Music Player using the Altera DE-115

Lane Detection Module

Lane Detection using Python, OpenCV, and ROS

Physics Simulation

Basic Sphere Physics rendered in WebGL

Pathfinding Controller Synthesis

Find a path and generate a controller to reach a goal, using Python

Utah Teapot Environment Mapping Simulation

Skybox and Reflections on a 3D model, rendered in WebGL

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